$v) { $$k = $v; } include("../inc_lib.php3"); include("../inc_email.php3"); include($DOCUMENT_ROOT."/includes/header.php"); $check_error = ""; if(!isset($e)) { if($f_name1 == "") { $check_error .= "You did not give the receiver's name
"; } if(!checkEmail($f_email1)) { $check_error .= "Receiver's e-mail is invalid
"; } if($f_name2 == "") { $check_error .= "You did not give your name
"; } if(!checkEmail($f_email2)) { $check_error .= "Your e-mail is invalid
"; } if($f_title == "") { $check_error .= "You did not give a postcard title
"; } if($f_message != "") { if(!checkWords($f_message)) { $check_error .= "There are too many words in the message
"; } } } if($check_error == "") { if($submit == "Preview") { include("inc_preview.php3"); } elseif($submit == "Send Card") { include("inc_send.php3"); } else { include("inc_form.php3"); } } else { include("inc_form.php3"); } include($DOCUMENT_ROOT."/includes/footer.php"); ?>